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陈荣亮,博士生导师,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院研究员,深圳市E级工程与科学计算实验室副主任。深圳市级人才。湖南大学计算数学学士(2006.07),湖南大学和美国科罗拉多大学联合培养博士(2012.07)。美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校访问学者(2014.9-2015.2, 2017.7-2018.7);香港科技大学访问学者(2016.11-2016.12)。主要从事面向工程应用的高性能算法和软件研究,包括人体血流动力学高保真数值模拟,航空航天飞行器的亚、跨、超声速空气动力学计算等,带领团队研发了多套面向工程应用的高性能软件。目前已发表高水平学术论文50余篇,主持国自然青年、面上、国际(地区)合作与交流,国家重点研发计划国际合作重点专项,深圳市基础研究重点项目,深圳市优秀青年基金等十余项国家和地方级科研项目。

Ÿ   并行计算

Ÿ   流体、固体及流固耦合计算

Ÿ   PDE约束的优化问题

Ÿ   区域分解算法

Ÿ   非线性方程组数值解

Ÿ   空气动力学模拟

Ÿ   血流动力学模拟




2002/09-2006/06,湖南大学,数学与计量经济学院,数学系,    本科

2023/01-至今          中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院, 研究员

2015/01-2022/12,    中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院, 副研究员

2017/07-2018/07,    美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,     访问学者

2016/11-2016/12,    香港科技大学,                                 访问教授

2012/07-2014/12,    中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院, 助理研究员

2014/09-2015/02,    美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,     访问学者

[50] Rongliang Chen, Youjun Deng, Yang Gao, Jingzhi Li, and Hongyu Liu, Imaging multiple magnetized anomalies by geomagnetic monitoring, Journal of Computational Physics, 498, pp. 112661, 2024.(Download)

[49] Wei Chen, Hairong Zheng, Zhengzheng Yan, and Rongliang Chen*, Shape design of an artificial pump-lung using high-resolution hemodynamic simulation with highperformance computing, Physics of Fluids, 35, pp. 031909, 2023.(Download)

[48] Wei Tian, Xingding Chen*, Jingjing Huang, and Rongliang Chen*, A preconditioning method with auxiliary crack tip subproblems for dynamic crack propagation based on XFEM, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 412, pp.116105, 2023.(Download)

[47] Zhengzheng Yan, Zhifeng Yao, Weifeng Guo, Dandan Shang, Rongliang Chen*, Jia Liu, Xiao-Chuan Cai*, and Junbo Ge, Impact of pressure wire on fractional flow reserve and hemodynamics of the coronary arteries: A computational and clinical study, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70(5), pp.1683-1691, 2023.(Download)

[46] Shanlin Qin, Rongliang Chen*, Bokai Wu, and Xiao-Chuan Cai*, A highly parallel fully implicit domain decomposition method for the simulation of the hemodynamics of a patient-specific artery at the full-body scale, Journal of Computational Physics, 472, pp. 111730, 2023.(Download)

[45] Jie Zhou, Jing Li, Shanlin Qin*, Weifeng Guo, and Rongliang Chen*, Hemodynamic simulation of aneurysmal aorta using a parallel algorithm and a flow-rate based resistance splitting method, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 104, pp.108440, 2022.(Download)

[44] Lei Xu, Wu Zhang, Yuhui Chen, and Rongliang Chen*, A parallel discrete unified gas kinetic scheme on unstructured grid for inviscid high-speed compressible flow simulation, 34, pp. 106110, 2022.(Download)

[43] Yujia Chang, Yi Jiang, and Rongliang Chen*, A parallel domain decomposition algorithm for fluid-structure interaction simulations of the left ventricle with patient-specific shape, Electronic Research Archive, 30 (9), pp. 3377-3396, 2022.(Download)

[42] Talaat Abdelhamid, F. Khayat, H. Zayeni, Rongliang Chen, Levenberg-Marquardt method for identifying Young’s modulus of the elasticity imaging inverse problem, Electronic Research Archive, 30 (4), pp. 1532-1557, 2022.(Download)

[41] Jie Zhou, Jing Li, Shanlin Qin*, Jia Liu, Zeng Lin, Jian Xie, Zhijun Zhang, and Rongliang Chen*, High-resolution cerebral blood flow simulation with a domain decomposition method and verified by the TCD measurement, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 224, pp. 107004, 2022.(Download)

[40] Jian Xie, Zaiheng Cheng, Lihua Gu, Bokai Wu, Gaojia Zhang, Wenshin Shiu, Rongliang Chen, Zan Wang, Chang Liu, Jie Tu, Xiao-Chuan Cai, Jia Liu, and Zhijun Zhang, Evaluation of cerebrovascular hemodynamics in vascular dementia patients with a new individual computational fluid dynamics algorithm, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 213, pp. 106497, 2022.(Download)

[39] Wei Tian, Jingjing Huang, Yi Jiang, and Rongliang Chen*, A parallel scalable domain decomposition preconditioner for elastic crack simulation using XFEM, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 123 (15), pp. 3393-3417, 2022. (Download)

[38] Zhengzheng Yan, Dandan Shang, Jingzhi Li*, and Rongliang Chen*, A parallel numerical method for risk assessment of myocardial infarction during liver trans- plantation: A case study, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14(6), 1225-1245, 2022.(Download)

[37] Zi-Ju Liao, Shanlin Qin, Rongliang Chen, and Xiao-Chuan Cai, A parallel domain decomposition method for large eddy simulation of blood flow in human artery with resistive boundary condition, Computers & Fluids, 232, pp. 105201, 2022.(Download)

[36] Zhengzheng Yan, Rongliang Chen*, Xiao-Chuan Cai, Large eddy simulation of the wind flow in a realistic full-scale urban community with a scalable parallel algorithm, Computer Physics Communications, 270, pp. 108170, 2022.(Download)

[35] Xianpeng Wu, Bokai Wu, Wenming He, Xinhong Wang, Kan Wang, Zhengzheng Yan, Zaiheng Cheng, Yuyu Huang, Wei Zhang, Rongliang Chen, Jia Liu, Jian’ an Wang, and Xinyang Hu, Expanding the coronary tree reconstruction to smaller arteries improves the accuracy of FFRCT, European Radiology, 31(12), pp. 8967- 8974, 2021.(Download)

[34] Xinhai Chen, Rongliang Chen, Qian Wan, Rui Xu, and Jie Liu, An improved data-free surrogate model for solving partial differential equations using deep neural networks, Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 19507, 2021.(Download)

[33] Talaat Abdelhamid, Rongliang Chen, Md Mahbub Alam, Nonlinear conjugate gradient method for identifying Young’s modulus of the elasticity imaging inverse problem, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 29 (12), pp. 2165-2185, 2021.(Download)

[32] Lei Xu, Jingzhi Li*, and Rongliang Chen*, A scalable parallel unstructured finite volume lattice Boltzmann method for three-dimensional incompressible flow simulations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 93 (8), pp. 2744-2762, 2021.(Download)

[31] Shanlin Qin, Bokai Wu, Jia Liu, Wen-Shin Shiu, Zhengzheng Yan, Rongliang Chen*, and Xiao-Chuan Cai*, Efficient parallel simulation of hemodynamics in patient-specific abdominal aorta with aneurysm, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 136, pp. 104652, 2021.

[30] Shishun Li, Xinping Shao, and Rongliang Chen, Multilevel space-time multiplicative Schwarz preconditioner for parabolic equations, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 28 (6), pp. e2390, 2021.(Download)

[29] Zeng Lin, Rongliang Chen*, Shanlin Qin, Bokai Wu, Jia Liu, and Xiao-Chuan Cai*, Parallel simulation of hepatic perfusion in all vessels and portal venous flow after left hepatectomy, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Online first, 2021.(Download)

[28] Lei Xu, Rongliang Chen*, Xiao-Chuan Cai*, A parallel finite volume lattice Boltzmann method for inviscid compressible flows on unstructured grids, Physical Reviews E, 103, pp. 023306, 2021. (Download)

[27] Shanlin Qin, Rongliang Chen, Bokai Wu, Wen-Shin Shiu, Xiao-Chuan Cai, Numerical simulation of blood flows in patient-specific abdominal aorta with primary organs, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 20, pp. 909-924, 2021.(Download)

[26] Yi Jiang, Rongliang Chen*, and Xiao-Chuan Cai*, A highly parallel implicit domain decomposition method for the simulation of the left ventricle on unstructured meshes, Computational Mechanics, 66 (6): 1461-1475, 2020.(Download)

[25] Lei Xu, Wu Zhang, Zhengzheng Yan, Zheng Du, and Rongliang Chen*, A novel median dual finite volume lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible flows on unstructured grids, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 31(12), pp. 1-18, 2020.

[24] Rongliang Chen, Bokai Wu, Zaiheng Cheng, Wen-Shin Shiu, Jia Liu, Liping Liu, Yongjun Wang, Xinhong Wang, and Xiao-Chuan Cai, A parallel non-nested two-level domain decomposition method for simulating blood flows in cerebral artery of stroke patient, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2020, 36, e3392.(Download)

[23] Guoliang Ju, Can Chen, Rongliang Chen*, Jingzhi Li, Kaitai Li, and Shaohui Zhang, Numerical simulation for 3D flow in flow channel of aeroengine turbine fan based on dimension splitting method, Electronic Research Archive, 28 (2020), 837-851.(Download)

[22] Lei Xu and Rongliang Chen*, Scalable parallel finite volume lattice Boltzmann method for thermal incompressible flows on unstructured grids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 160 (2020), 120156.(Download)

[21] Li Luo, Wen-Shin Shiu , Rongliang Chen, Xiao-Chuan Cai, A nonlinear elimination preconditioned inexact Newton method for blood flow problems in human artery with stenosis, Journal of Computational Physics, 399 (2019) 108926.(Download)

[20] Rongliang Chen, Jizu Huang, Xiao-Chuan Cai, A parallel domain decomposition algorithm for large scale image denoising, Inverse Problems & Imaging 13 (6), 1259-1282, 2019.

[19] Zhengzheng Yan, Rongliang Chen, Yubo Zhao, Xiao-Chuan Cai, Numerical aerodynamic simulation of transient flows around car based on parallel Newton-Krylov-Schwarz algorithm, Applicable Analysis, 1-13, 2019.(Download)

[18] Shishun Li, Rongliang Chen, Xinping Shao, Parallel two-level space–time hybrid Schwarz method for solving linear parabolic equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 139: 120-135, 2019.(Download)

[17] Zi-Ju Liao, Rongliang Chen, Zhengzheng Yan, and Xiao-Chuan Cai, A parallel implicit domain decomposition algorithm for the large eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent flows on 3D unstructured meshes, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 89: 343-361, 2019.(Download)

[16]吴立垒、陈荣亮*、罗力、闫争争、廖子菊、迟利华、刘杰,面向异构众核架构的块 Gauss-Seidel/Jacobi 预条件算法,计算机学报,42pp. 2447-2460, 2019.(Download)

[15] Rongliang Chen, Zhengzheng Yan, Yubo Zhao, and Xiao-Chuan Cai, Scalable domain decomposition algorithms for simulation of flows passing full size wind turbine, Communications in Computational Physics, 24, 1503-1522, 2018.(Download)

[14]徐磊、陈荣亮*、蔡小川,基于非结构化网格的高可扩展并行有限体积格子 Boltzmann 方法2018全国高性能计算学术年会论文集,2018.(Download)


[12] Jun Zhang, Rongliang Chen, Chengzhi Deng, and Shengqian Wang, Fast linearized augmented Lagrangian method for Euler’s elastica model, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 2017, 10: 98-115.(Download)

[11] Talaat Abdelhamid, Xiaomao Deng, and Rongliang Chen*, A new method for simultaneously reconstructing the space-time dependent Robin coefficient and heat flux in a parabolic system, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 14(6): 893-915, 2017.(Download)

[10] Wen-Shin Shiu, Zhengzheng Yan, Jia Liu, Rongliang Chen, Feng-Nan Hwang, Xiao-Chuan Cai, Simulation of blood flow in patient-specific cerebral arteries with a domain decomposition method. In Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIII, pp. 407-415. Springer, Cham, 2017.(Download)

[9] Jia Liu, Zhengzheng Yan, Yuehua Pu, Wen-Shin Shiu, Jianhuang Wu, Rongliang Chen, Xinyi Leng, Haiqiang Qin, Xin Liu, Baixue Jia, Ligang Song, Yilong Wang, Zhongrong Miao, Yongjun Wang, Liping Liu, and Xiao-Chuan Cai, Functional assessment of cerebral artery stenosis: A pilot study based on computational fluid dynamics, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 37(7): 2567-2576, 2017.(Download)

[8]陈荣亮、蔡小川,高可扩展区域分解算法及其在流体模拟和优化问题中的应用,中国科学:数学,46pp. 915-928, 2016.(Download)

[7] Rongliang Chen, Xiao-Chuan Cai, A parallel two‐level domain decomposition based one-shot method for shape optimization problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 99 (2014), pp. 945-965.(Download)

[6] Rongliang Chen, Yuqi Wu, Zhengzheng Yan, Yubo Zhao, and Xiao-Chuan Cai, A parallel domain decomposition method for direct numerical simulations of 3D unsteady incompressible flows at high Reynolds number, Journal of Scientific Computing, 58, 275-289, 2014.(Download)

[5] Haiwei Fu, Rongliang Chen*, and Rongmin Chen, Parallel domain decomposition based algorithm for large scale color image denoising, Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, 2014.04.26-28.(Download)

[4] Zhengzheng Yan, Rongliang Chen, Yubo Zhao, and Xiao-Chuan Cai, A scalable numerical method for simulating flow around high-speed train under crosswind conditions, Communications in Computational Physics, 15, 944-958, 2014.(Download)

[3] Rongliang Chen and Xiao-Chuan Cai, Parallel one-shot Lagrange-Newton- Krylov-Schwarz algorithms for shape optimization of steady incompressible flows, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 34 (5), pp. B584-B605, 2012.(Download)

[2] Rongliang Chen and Xiao-Chuan Cai, Numerical design of an optimal bypass for a partially blocked artery, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPS), pp. 1449-1456, Shanghai, China, 2012.05.21-25.(Download)

[1] Rongliang Chen and Xiao-Chuan Cai, One-shot domain decomposition methods for shape optimization problems, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 91, R. Bank, M. Holst, O. Widlund, and J. Xu, (Eds.), Springer, 2013, Processing of the 20th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, San Diego, USA, 2011.02.07-11.(Download)

1.  SIAT 级人才基金 A 档资助,100 万,2022.01-2023.12,项目负责人,项目编号: E2G009

2.    国自然国际 (地区 作与交流项目(国自然-澳门)140 万,2022.01-2024.12项目负责人,项目编号: 62161160312

3.     深圳市级人才基金200 万,2021.01-2023.12项目负责人,项目编号: RCYX20200714114735074

4.     中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院-江苏正道海洋科技有限公司《海洋油气及可燃冰管道联合实验室》,300 万,2020.11-2023.10实验室主任,项目编号: SIAT-2020019(123)

5.     中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院-安徽阿莫斯流体技术有限公司《海绵城市联合实验室》,300 万,2020.07-2023.06实验室主任,项目编号: SIAT-2020018(122)

6.    国自然面上51 万,2021.01-2024.12项目负责人,项目编号: 12071461

7.    国家重点研发计划-国际合作重点专项(中国-埃及)156 万,2020.07-2022.06项目负责人,项目编号: 2018YFE0198400

8.     深圳市基础研究重点项目300 万,2018.01-2020.12项目负责人,项目编号: JCYJ20170818153840322

9.    深圳市技术攻关,400 万,2018.01-2019.12,课题负责人,项目编号: JSGG20170824154458183

10.  国家重点研发计划911 万,2017.07-2020.12子课题负责人,项目编号: 2017YFB0202100

11.  国家重点研发计划980 万,2016.07-2020.12子课题负责人,项目编号: 2016YFB0200600

12.  深圳市基础研究(自由探索)30万,2017.07-2020.06项目负责人,项目编号: JCYJ20170307165328836

13.  国家 863 计划98 万,2015.01-2016.12课题负责人,项目编号: 2015AA01A302

14.  国自然青年基金22 万,2015.01-2017.12项目负责人,项目编号: 11401564

1.      2022 12 17-18 . 粤港澳大湾区数学技术研讨会, 广东珠海. 报告题目: 复杂流体 力学高可扩展并行求解算法及应用.

2.      2022 10 29-30 . 香港中文大学(深圳)科学计算专题研讨会, 广东深圳. 报告题 : Meter-scale Simulation of Wind Fields in a Megacity with 155 Million Cores on the New-generation Tianhe Supercomputer.

3.      2022 08 19-21 . “数值代数与快速计算湖南省研究生创新论坛, 湘潭. 报告题目: Recent Progress on HPC Algorithms for Blood Flow Simulations and Appli- cations.

4.      2022731-85. WCCM 2022, 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Yokohama, Japan. Talk title: High Resolution Patient-specific Blood Flow Simulations with High Performance Computing.

5.      2022 7 20-24 . 第五届解法器快速算法及应用研讨会, 重庆. 报告题目: Solve a Partial Differential Equation with 260 Trillion Unknowns on a Supercomputer with 155 Million Cores.

6.      2022526. FST Symposium on Frontiers of Science and Technology, University of Macau. Talk title: Solve a Partial Differential Equation with 260 Trillion Unknowns on a Supercomputer with 155 Million Cores.

7.      2021 12 26-27 . 第四届解法器快速算法及应用研讨会, 湖南韶山. 报告题目: High Performance Blood Flow Simulation Algorithms and Applications.

8.      2021 12 18 . 广东省计算数学学会 2021 年会, 广东广州. 报告题目: High Resolution Multi-organ Hemodynamic Simulation with High Performance Comput- ing.

9.      2021 12 04-05 . 2021 数学与交叉科学论坛, 广东深圳. 报告题目: High Resolution Multi-organ Hemodynamic Simulation with High Performance Computing.

10.   2021 12 03 . 2021 年超算创新应用大会-生命健康分论坛, 广东广州. 报告题 : High Resolution Multi-organ Hemodynamic Simulation with High Performance Computing.

11.   2021 10 16-17 . 拓扑优化与多物理场耦合计算学术研讨会, 陕西西安. 报告 题目: Parallel Patient-specific Blood Flow Simulations with Clinical Verification.

12.    2021 9 28 . 第七届生物医学大数据-智能技术应用峰会, 四川成都. 报告题 : High Performance Blood Flow Simulation Algorithms and Applications.

13.  2020127-1226th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Hongkong, China. Talk title: Large Eddy Simulation of the Wind Flow in a Realistic Full-Scale Urban Community with a Scalable Parallel Algorithm.

14.  20201120-21. Frontier Workshop on Numerical Methods and Theory, Chengdu, China. Talk Title: High Performance Blood Flow Simulation Algorithms and Applications.

15.  2020111.中国工业与应用数学学会第十八届年会,湖南长沙. Talk Title: A Parallel Two-level Domain Decomposition Method for Simulating Blood Flows in Patient-Specific Arteries.

16.  2020613-14SUSTech CAM Mini-Workshop, Shenzhen, China. Talk Title: Scalable Parallel Algorithms and Software for Engineering Applications.

17.  20191212-13科学计算论坛之第五届科学与工程计算青年研讨会,北京,中国科学院数与系统研究院. Talk Title: High Performance Blood Flow Simulation Algorithms and Applications.

18.  20191017-21. Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications of PDEs Workshop, Shenzhen, China. Talk Title: A Parallel Two-level Domain Decomposition Method for Simulating Blood Flows in Patient-Specific Arteries.

19.  2019913-16. 中国工业与应用数学学会第十六届年会四川成都. Talk Title: A Scalable Parallel Method for Patient-Specific Blood Flow Simulations.

20.  2019811-16. The 9th International Multigrid Conference, Kunming, China. Talk Title: Parallel Methods for Patient-specific Blood Flow Simulations with Impedance Boundary Conditions.

21.  2019715-19. 2019 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Valencia, Spain. Talk Title: Parallel Methods for Patient-specific Blood Flow Simulations with Impedance Boundary Conditions.

22.  201969-14. The 8th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Beijing, China. Talk Title: Parallel Domain Decomposition Methods for Patient-specific Blood Flow Simulations.

23.  2019524-26. Workshop on Computational Methods for Interface Problems & Applications, Guangzhou, China. Talk Title:  Parallel Domain Decomposition Methods for Patient-specific Blood Flow Simulations.

24.  2019419-21. International Workshop on Multiphysics Problems: Theory, Computing, and Applications, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. Talk Title: Parallel Domain Decomposition Methods for Patient-specific Blood Flow Simulations.

25.  2019114-16. HPC Asia 2019, Guangzhou, China. Talk Title: Scalable Parallel Methods for Patient-specific Blood Flow Simulations.

26.  2018818-19. 2018 International Workshop on High Performance Numerical Methods for PDEs, Changchun, China. Talk Title: Scalable Parallel Methods for Patient-Specific Blood Flow Simulations.

27.  2018325-30. 15th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA. Talk Title: A Block Gauss-Seidel/Jacobi Preconditioner for Heterogeneous Many-Core Architecture.

28.  2018113-14. Young Scholar Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and PDEs, SUSTC, Shenzhen, China. Talk Title: Parallel Domain Decomposition Based Algorithm for Large-scale Image Denoising.

29.  2017227. 2017 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Atlanta, USA. Talk title: Performance Study of an Implicit Navier-Stokes Solver on a Many-Core Machine.

30.  20161218第四届空间信息智能服务研讨会湖北武汉. Talk title: A Scalable Parallel Algorithm and its Application in the Simulation of 3D Complex Flows.

31.  20161210-14. 20th IMACS World Congress, Xiamen, China. Talk title: A Scalable Domain Decomposition Method for Simulation of 3D Complex Flows.

32.  20161026. 2016 年高性能计算中间件技术研讨会报告题目A Scalable Domain Decomposition Method for Simulation of 3D Complex Flows.

33.  201675Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong. Talk Title: A Scalable Domain Decomposition Method for Simulation of 3D Complex Flows.

34.  20151211-13. 2015高效解法器与数值方法研讨会北京报告题目高可扩展并行区域分解算法及其在流体/固体/流固耦合中的应用.

35.  20151110-12. 2015年全国高性能计算学术年会江苏无锡报告题目求解流体、固体及流固耦合问题的高可扩展并行算法.

36.  2015919-22第十届全国计算数学年会广州报告题目:Parallel methods for simulations of 3D incompressible complex flows.

37.  201576-10. 23rd International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, ICC-Jeju, Korea. Talk title: Parallel Domain Decomposition method for Large Scale Image Denoising.

38.  2015725-27中国空气动力研究与发展中心-中国科学院计算流体力学并行算法与软件研讨会四川绵阳报告题目:高可扩展区域分解算法及其在流//流固耦合问题中的应用

39.  2015316-18. The 18th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, Taipei. Talk title: Parallel Simulating Flows Passing a Wind Turbine with a Fully Implicit Method on a Moving Domain.

40.  2014221-22. CUHK Symposium on Blood Flow and Biomedical Engineering, Hong Kong, China. Talk Title: Numerical Simulation Based Study of Shape Optimization of Artery Bypass.

41.  20131018-23第十二届全国高校计算数学年会,湖南长沙报告题目:基于超算的大型风机外流场数值模拟.

42.  2013520-24. Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2013, Changsha, China. Talk title: Simulating 3D Flows Passing Wind Turbine Rotor with a Fully Implicit Domain Decomposition Method on a Moving Domain.

43.  201317-11The 8th International Conference on Computational Physics, Hong Kong, China. Talk title: A Parallel Monolithic Method for Direct Numerical Simulations of 3D Flows around Large Structures.

44.  20121112-14第七届全国流体力学会议广西桂林报告题目:A Parallel Domain Decomposition Method for Direct Numerical Simulations of 3D Incompressible Flows.

45.  2012521-25. The 13th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, Shanghai, China. Talk title: Numerical Design of an Optimal Bypass for a Partially Blocked Artery.

46.  2012325-30. 12th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA. Talk title: A Parallel Two-Grid Domain Decomposition Method with a Modified Boundary Layer Interpolation for Shape Optimization Problems.

47.  2012215-17. 2012 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Hyatt Regency Savannah, Georgia, USA. Talk title: Parallel Two-Level Schwarz Methods for Shape Optimization of Steady Incompressible Flows.

48.  201127-11The 20th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, San Diego, California, USA. Talk title: Parallel One-Shot Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schwarz Algorithms for Shape Optimization of Steady Incompressible Flows.

49.  2010712-16. 2010 SIAM Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Poster title: Parallel Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schwarz Algorithms for Shape Optimization of Steady Incompressible Flows.

1.     分组会议: 人体生物力学计算模型、算法及应用专题研讨会”at “中国工业与应用数 学学会第二十届年会”, 2022 11 17-20 , 广东清远 (Online)

2.     Mini-symposium: High Performance Computing in Biomechanics”at “15th World Congress of Computational Mechanics”, July 31-August 5, 2022, Yokohama, Japan (Online)

3.    应用数学与科学计算研讨会,20201204-06日,深圳.

4.    Mini-symposium: High Performance Algorithms and Applications in Computational Biomechanics” at “14th World Congress of Computational Mechanics”, January 11-15, 2021, Paris, France (Online).

5.    分组会议:偏微分方程并行、快速算法研究进展” at “第十二届全国计算数学年会”, 2019731-84哈尔滨.

6.    Mini-symposium: Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Biomechanics” at “2019 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics”, July 15-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain.

7.    Mini-symposium: Parallel Algorithms for PDEs and Applications” at “20th IMACS World Congress”, December 10-14, 2016, Xiamen University, China

8.    International Workshop for High Performance Numerical Algorithms and Applications, January 8 - 12, 2018, Sanya, China.

9.    分组会议PDE 并行、快速算法研究进展” at “第十届全国计算数学年会”, 广东广州, 2015919-22.

2022 春季

 高性能数值分析及应用研究生课程, 50课时

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 高性能数值分析及应用, 研究生课程, 50课时

2020 秋季

 Basic of Parallel Computing, 研究生课程, 10课时

2020 春季

 高性能数值分析及应用, 研究生课程, 40课时

2019 夏季 

 高性能数值分析及应用, 研究生课程, 40课时